Monday, January 19, 2015

The Natural Way To Get Rid Of Headaches

The Natural Way To Get Rid Of Headaches

Having a headache is never a good thing. And you will find that just about every single person on the planet will have a headache at least once every couple of years. But then there are the people who get headaches every day or every week. When people start getting headaches that often, they should go see a doctor to see if there is a deeper issue.

For those of you who do not like taking aspirin or ibuprofen you will be happy to know that there are natural ways to get rid of your headache. First we are going to look at some of the causes of headaches and then some of the ways you can get rid of them or even prevent a headache to begin with.

One cause of headaches is plain old stress. Stress is one of the main reasons that people get headaches. Now we are not just talking about physical stress, but metal stress as well. Some types of stress can be a simple as sitting at your work computer all day staring at the screen and typing. This can cause stress on your eyes and neck at the same time. One way to deal with this type of stress headache is to get up from your computer or work station as often as possible and simply walk around for a minute and rotate your head in circles while keeping your eyes shut. This will help to stretch out the muscles in your neck and it will give your eyes a rest as well. If you have already gotten a headache from this type of stress, you can always use some self massage techniques to relieve the headache.

Many people do not realize this but the main cause for headaches is dehydration. Dehydration is when your body does not have enough water. When your body is low on water it can cause your brain to swell ever so slightly. This swelling pushes the brain against the skull and causes pain... the headache. Drinking water is one way to get rid of this headache. Of course making sure you drink enough water everyday will help you to avoid getting these types of headaches to start with.

Another natural way to get rid of headaches is by using caffeine and green tea. Both of these types of beverages can be a great and natural way to get rid of a current headache. However you should be warned about the caffeine. Some people get what is known as a caffeine headache. This happens when someone is used to drinking coffee all day every day and suddenly they are not able to get caffeine for 8 hours or so. This can end up causing one of the worst headaches you have ever had. I know this for a fact because this used to happen to me on a regular basis.

If you end up getting these caffeine headaches on a regular basis, you really need to start weening yourself off your caffeine addiction. Start rotating your beverages. Go ahead and have your first cup of coffee in the morning but instead of having a second cup of coffee, have a hot cup of green tea. Alternate throughout the day and do this for about a week and then start drinking more green tea than coffee. In time you should be down to 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day and this will help stop you from suffering from caffeine headaches.

Again, make sure you are drinking plenty of water every day and get up and walk around throughout the day. These are the two best and natural ways to get rid of and prevent headaches.